Derecho al Cuidado Digno
Right to Dignified Care
It is impossible to conceive of life without thinking of care; from the first heartbeat to the last breath, care is the pillar that sustains life: our lives. Care is the hand that feeds and bathes, but also carries the water, washes the clothes, and prepares the soup. Care is the hand that guides and reviews homework while mentally reviewing the grocery list, that gives first aid or provides specialized care at home; the hand that watches over in sickness, that accompanies in old age and supports in disability.
Most of these activities are carried out by only one person in the household, usually a woman. A woman who to solve all this work (these activities are unpaid work) has to assume double or triple working hours, or even abandon her life project (school, paid work or personal). This does not have to be so! For this reason we fight for the redistribution of care work through leave and care leave so that we do not abandon our life project by having to choose between caring or having a job. We need programs, services and public policies that generate dignified, public and universal spaces to care for people who require it due to age, illness or disability. Above all, we need all unpaid caregivers to have our right to have rights recognized, since our work represented 26.3% of GDP in 2022. This GDP is an even greater percentage than that represented by commerce, manufacturing and real estate in our country.
¿Could you help us?
We need your support to produce materials for dissemination, discussions, workshops and attend decision-making spaces so that the voices of unpaid caregivers are heard and taken into account.
Be part of the history!